August 21, 2019

Apple Computers

A company that has as its  raison d'être , top of the line, visionary, and exquisite industrial design.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 04:14 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 20 words, total size 1 kb.

August 07, 2019


Chaotic week.

I'm making a quick post in the library while working on a research paper. 
Blogging will remain light.

All personal, national and international news is bad...except for this story. 

Well... The story behind the story is nice, the story itself is dumb.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:15 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 45 words, total size 1 kb.

July 20, 2019

Turbo-Encabulators Are GO!!!

Tesla Coils are at Maximum Pneumatic Pressure!
Hydrophone Arrays are emitting in the infrared!
Magic smoke containment fields are polarized!
The vampires have been provided with their offerings!
The flywheels are engaged and our datalink is now interfacing with the planetary tube network!

"It's more technically accurate to just say we're back up and running.".

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 03:34 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 58 words, total size 1 kb.

June 07, 2019

Oh. Well. That Was Embarassing.

In lieu on an explanation, here is a cute wood elf drawn by Houtengeki.

Support him on Pixiv Fanbox here

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:30 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 25 words, total size 1 kb.

April 25, 2019

Running Silent

Coming up on the last week of school and am struggling to pass a kanji class and finish an unrelated research paper. Blogging will remain light for a week or so after which the long dry spell will end.

In the meantime here is a Canadian's take on everyone's favorite frog girl and gravititrix.

MHA's 'Froppy' and 'Urabity' as drawn by Canada's gift to the eyes, Sakimichan, who can also be found on ArtStation and Patreon and whose non-shrinkified stuff can also be bought here.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:00 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 87 words, total size 1 kb.

March 27, 2019

Testing the Blog's New Bitchute and You-Tube Embeds

For others who blog on, the how to-post on this is here.

Pixy has a You-Tube embed as well. It's of fading utility as most of the cool, interesting people are getting banned.

However, most is not all... it's still a useful tool.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 11:39 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 53 words, total size 1 kb.

March 20, 2019

Status Update

It appears that our posts are being lost between chair and keyboard and we have decided that this is due to tachyon interference from transmissions emitted by the Dero from far beneath the Earth's crust in an attempt  to break the tyrannical hold on their third and fourth chakras that is being exercised by the Shapeshifting Reptoids from Draco who have taken refuge with the Antarctic Space Nazis in the hollow Earth after having to abandon their forward operating base in Cydonia after the Greys razed it with ortillery to prevent the Reptoid's and Nazi's joint (and evil) plan for global domination from interfering with the Greys' seedy and completely illicit fetish tourism and surprisingly lucrative manipulation of local (Terran) cattle futures. 

It is possible that the situation may be more or less complicated than that, but further investigation is needed and in any event things are hectic here, so we've decided to conclude this second rambling run-on-sentence with a picture of Grea who is a shining example of the societal virtues facilitated by hybrid vigor (and who has probably appeared in more TV series than any other half-dragonette).

Art by Wataame27

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:27 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 194 words, total size 2 kb.

March 19, 2019

Oh Wow. Look at All the Positive Feedback I'm Getti.....Oh.

Greetings gentle reader, we are working diligently to keep our comments free of salt, water, modified potato starch, sugar, sodium nitrite, pork and.......ham.
So, as I run down the ingredients on a can of SPAM,
I note the ingredients list both pork AND ham.
The world is all muddled,
and I am befuddled
so I'll just throw up my hands and scream "Damn!"

While I contemplate this conundrum, here is a period panorama by Pochi.

Pochi's blog is here and you can purchase Pochi pictures here.


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:03 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 96 words, total size 1 kb.

March 04, 2019

Test Post

Testing to see how the blog functions in the New Moon browser, which is the Mac version of Pale Moon.

First lets post an image; something inoffensive like like a modern take on Red Riding H...uuhhh?

Tsana by Lansane. Support him on his Pixiv Fanbox page.

Oh fabrijous day! Minx's superscripts and subscripts work in New Moon. (They don't in Epic, Safari or Opera. At least not on my Mac. And Vivaldi's got...issues.)

Lets see. How about videos? That ought not to be an issue, but it is with Vivaldi. Let's go with something that's stripped of enough context to be SFW and forgotten enough that it doesn't incriminate me in any way.

Oh crap! The website is still there.


Will it actually type π now?

How about formatting quotes and running animated .gifs? Let's try a reaction shot.

I’m not going to discuss the relative merits of astrology, but I’m going to say when an entire civilization formed on the enlightenment principles chases after it, things have gone seriously wrong.

Sweet. But does it support animated .PNGs?

Art by Kaku Choushi

Yes. It hasn't been Minx, it's been my browsers.

Though, upon reflection, we probably could have done without the booger bubble.

Now lets see if it supports automatic content generation.

Well. Dang.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 01:57 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 219 words, total size 4 kb.

November 28, 2018

Research Papers & Boxes & Boxes & Papers & Research & Boxes & No Sleep For 37 Hours & A Kidney Stone & Boxes & Can't Lift My Arms & So Very Many Boxes

Everything hurts. 

No blogging now. 
Papers first.

But here is Weiss, with a more pleasant take on the season.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:46 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 53 words, total size 1 kb.

November 13, 2018

Hiatus (Bumped)

 Between my final (as in no more!) term papers and the holiday rush at work I'm going to be scarce for a bit. As compensation I'll leave you with something that ought to be completely non-controversial.

BEST four armed, one eyed, curvy, red headed, plague doctor! 

Quadriri, the indisputable best in her category is by Lansane. (Who you can support here)


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:32 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 76 words, total size 2 kb.

October 17, 2018

Apropos of NOTHING

That is our story. We are sticking to it.

If one is in an online forum and something involving an issue that is on the borderline of the established rules requires a decision from a moderator, a call by the moderator that is against one's liking does not make the moderator a marxist. It means they are moderating...that is their job. They don't get paid. And on a large forum they are having to make a LOT of calls and do a lot of work as well as tend to their own lives so if one is told to stop pushing the envelope (which will then entice a whole bunch of edgelord shitposters to shitpost on the edge and make the mod's life even harder) then one should probably not go all derp-chan & call them a Marxist. A Marxist is every bit as bad as a Nazi and we ought not to throw these words around higgly piggly. Yes. I know. Some people do. A majority of them are Marxists. They're also dicks. Don't be a dick. I have confidence that one is better than that. 

"And I believe in you too!"

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 196 words, total size 1 kb.

July 03, 2018

Meawhile, Off the Coast of Antarctica

One of The Brickmuppet's Crack Team of 2-D Science Babes ponders Apple updates...

...and alerts your humble blogger to what turned out to be in Every. Single. Screencap. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 08:31 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 34 words, total size 1 kb.

June 05, 2018

And Indeed It Does Appear That The Linky Thing is Fixed!

Thanks Pixy!

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 09:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 13 words, total size 1 kb.

May 25, 2018

Notice to Readers

This blog is a test, an experimental transmission from a secret facility.

Far beneath the guano mines of Niue.

When first started up, a number of tech savvy individuals were given blogs to run as alpha and beta tests. When that was successful there was one more step before going live. Another beta test...with someone who was NOT tech savvy. That's where I, the paragon of PEBKAC, came to be a beta tester and one of the earliest bloggers at Now I understand basics of information technology of course, but I have no formal certifications in the care and maintenance of electro-pneumatic tubes,  the complex interactions between isolinear silicon fibers and ley-lines, how such phenomena affect the transmigration of data between Samsara and "The Cloud" or  the ultimate cathexsis of these discrete packets of id on a hard drive. 

Therefore, it was decided that mine was the perfect blog to run the final beta on.

To this day Brickmuppet Blog is still a test blog as per our agreement, and experiments of various natures are still conducted here preceding any upgrades to the community. 

Like spammer mitigation.

Be advised that there may be some disruptions of the blog over the weekend. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 05:08 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 207 words, total size 2 kb.

September 19, 2017

That Thar Be Odd

The previous post be cursed. 

Probably by sea monsters.

(Art by Bubuzuke)

UPDATE: Well, it appears that the epic formatting issue in the previous post has been fixed and that sea monsters were not responsible in any way. We apologize for the hurtful, unwarranted and irresponsible speculation. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 10:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 52 words, total size 1 kb.

September 05, 2017


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 02:32 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 1 words, total size 1 kb.

June 22, 2017

A Clever Solution to the Boycott Problem

There has been much angst expressed over You-Tube's demonetization policy

Ian McCollum of Forgotten Weapons and Karl Kasarda on Inrange TV have come up with a response.

It's a reasonable solution. Indeed, being independently wealthy is generally my preferred solution to most problems. 

Note that they do have some thoughtful things to say about the implications of demonetization (and internet boycotts in general). 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 06:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 70 words, total size 1 kb.

June 06, 2017

The Killer App of Mu.Nu

I started to mention this in a previous post, but it deserves to be above the fold. 

A bit over 10 years ago, after 1021 posts on Blogger, I was about to throw in the towel. Google had bought BlogSpot shortly after I started blogging in 2003, but this was of no concern until early '07 when 2 things happened. There were some system crashes and issues with the image posting system. More importantly The Netroots types began a campaign to file complaints with Google/Blogger about "offensive content" in blogs whose opinions they found uncongenial and report others as spam blogs. Blogger/Google was only too happy to oblige.  As a result of that, numerous blogs whose opinions vexed the Netroots were threatened, locked pending review, or just vanished. There had been a similar purge of right leaning You Tube Channels that had happened a bit earlier, (remember when Hot Air was mainly a companion site to their You Tube channel?). That censorious annoyance had been similarly instigated by complaints from the Netroots. 

Brickmuppet Blog was protected from this mainly by my lack of talent which placed me near the bottom of the blogosphereic ecosystem and the fact that it's not really a political blog. Still, I did actually get one vague threat from a reader to have me taken down...because I guess getting a Z-list blogger with 6 readers to shut up is a real power trip.  Between that and the short lived technical glitches, I was about to throw in the towel. I had been made very aware of how ephemeral any work consisting entirely of electrical zeroes and ones actually is.     

However,  I inquired about different hosting services and took the advice of Wonderduck and the late Steven Den Beste, and signed up here in as a Beta tester (my utter lack of IT skills being a feature and not a bug in that capacity). Although the very first comment on this blog was a thinly veiled threat, I've been very happy here. 

Since then I've come to appreciate even more the absolute importance of the fact that Pixy Misa (the owner, proprietor of is completely dedicated to free speech. Unless they are spammers, child pornographers or malware-bots, he and his crackerjack team of pixel elves aren't going to screw with any of the 65,000 odd websites hosted here. 

Additionally, unlike some other platforms, doesn't have a truth and safety council, doesn't shadowban users, and allows one to type as many characters as one needs to get out a coherent thought (actual level of coherence is the typists responsibility).

Furthermore, unlike some services doesn't integrate seamlessly into every aspect of one's online existence. That may, at first, seem like a bug, but in an age of weaponized is not. The other day I noted noted an online poll that concerned a politically charged topic. It required one to log in via a service we won't name (but it rhymes with SpaceCrook). This of course means that everyone in one's feed knows how one voted, and sets off all manner of flags. Rejoice Mr. Parsons! The telescreen has arrived! 

But not here in

Operating from a vast underground bunker hidden somewhere in the guano mines of Niue, Pixy Misa interacts with the world mainly through a surprisingly lifelike teleoperated animatronic in Sydney. Pixy oversees several servers scattered across the globe in places that are not North Korea, China or The Platt River Networks men's room.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 07:30 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 587 words, total size 4 kb.

December 24, 2016

Last Day

It will all be over this evening...

UPDATE: I've successfully survived my 24th and most likely final Christmas at UPS. 

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at 12:12 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 27 words, total size 1 kb.

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